Developing Digital Culture How can corporate culture be used to develop strength and momentum for digital transformation? Discover and strengthen the cultural principles of taking action, curiosity, trial and error, willingness to change and cooperation in your organization, and in so doing find a successful way through the vast jungle of digitalization. Five Dimensions The question which leaders most commonly ask by far when it comes to digitalization is: What products and developments will shape the future? But far more important is the question: What changes need to be made to corporate culture to openly and creatively overcome the challenges of the future? To answer this question, the corporate culture requirements of the future must be clarified first of all. A promising approach is to focus on five dimensions: curiosity, trial and error, taking action, cooperation, communication and willingness to change. We search for ways in which and divisions in which these dimensions are already being lived and breathed in your organization. Based on employees’ experience, we develop stories and messages which are important for developing a digital culture. A culture map and descriptions of the new culture provide leaders and employees with guidance as to how they can anchor these five cultural dimensions in their actions in future. Culture = Action Leaders work together with us to develop specific measures, actions and symbolic gestures which they can use to strengthen the cultural dimensions which are important for successful transformation. Your organization will be opened up new forms of cooperation, increase transparency and enable the participation of employees, who are also given incentives for more innovation and personal responsibility. The entire organization is subsequently far more open-minded towards new developments with respect to the fields of customer expectations, technology and society, and learns how to handle changes quickly and pragmatically. SET-UP We hold workshops for cultural diagnosis with you. ANALYSIS We create focus groups made up of employees from all divisions. MEASURE From the culture map created, we derive principles and fields of action for a digital corporate culture. Contact Persons More Insights about this Topic Service Leadership Lab Be the best leader you can be. Service Agile Projectmanagement Rapid successes in iterative loops. Service Become a More Agile Organization Interventions which challenge but do not overload. Would you like to know more? Contact us