China has a mission Antti Hellström Consultant Contact Antti China has a future mission to be the leading country in economics and science in the world. For the growth and development strategy, the trillion dollar belt and road initiative is already in the process of being implemented. The activities of China can be seen on different continents and in different countries. Silk Road – the platform for China China’s one-party system has led the government to implement the One Route and One Belt challenge for a few years now. China as a nation has taken many major steps towards market economy in recent years. This has been reflected in the fact that it wants to be an investor in globally important projects. Thus, it takes a total of six global economic corridors, which form the 21st century Silk Road. The Silk Road is the crucial platform to find economical growth when collaborating with other countries in different industries and infrastructure projects. South China Morning Post (Sep 12th, 2018) wrote that Aid Data tracked the economic growth impact in 138 countries of 3,485 infrastructure projects including airports, seaports and roads between 2000 and 2014. The G60 Valley – platform for start-ups in China Between Shanghai and Hangzhou there is the Songjing Technology Park, founded in 2001. The official name is National Eastern Tech-Center (NETC). It is a national-level regional technology platform which provides education facilities and innovative surroundings for four universities in diversity sciences and many companies from other countries. There is also a resource center to collaborate with it’s partners in Songjing. If your business is interested in launching services or products to the Asian and Chinese markets, Songjiang Technology Park is a great alternative to networking and finding important contacts. NETC has created a strategic pattern to support innovative and market oriented plans of the Chinese entrenepeurs and companies from other countries. The pattern is called “one body with two wings”. The body includes elements for technologic transactions. And the wings give support for transfer and financial services. The customers of these services are start-up companies. Almost 30,000 new innovations have been developed in the Songjiang Technology Center alone over the past 15 years. These new inventions are services and products on e-commerce, health care, electric cars, robotics, AI, green energy and biological medicines. Would you like to know more? Contact