How do you push innovation projects without implementing new or reorganizing existing internal structure and processes? Just use the energy of highly motivated people from different departments who work together on a challenging, trendsetting task within a short period of time.
Talk less – Do more
Rapid Innovation Teams are small, powerful teams that are formed for a limited period of time. They focus on an innovation project with a special framework, aiming to develop and concretize an innovation. They operate in the discovery mode with agile principles. Rapid Innovation Teams are supported by creativity methods like TRIZ and Design Thinking. They question exist-ing products or services, recognize the needs of customers, create and combine ideas, and experiment with prototypes to get fast feedback. They aim high and strive for practical results. To enable this kind of working mode for the team, the top management establishes clear rules concerning time, budget and bureaucratic leeway.
Fast Results
Within the team, your employees learn to be more adventurous to create radical solutions and cope with the challenges of innovation projects in a better way. By being more daring, they cre-ate tangible results that can lead to fast successes. Due to an accompanying evaluation, les-sons learned can be applied on the whole innovation process of your company. A creative mindset arises among the employees that strengthens the innovation culture within the organi-zation.
With the top management, we create a framework to enable implementation and anchoring.
We torture your team with highly ambitious aims and agile working methods 😉
We support your teams by showing them state-of-the-art innovation methods.